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Several points needing attention 技習of seismic support and綠店 hanger in electrical construct票不ion

Author:Click:625 Time:2021-05-07

1、 Ensure construction quality物還

Seismic supports and hangers 通舞mainly transmit the seism就木ic action to the building structur輛呢e through the connection wit去物h the base, and have strong b也來earing capacity. Therefo雜自re, when designing drawings, they sho跳火uld be reasonably arranged ac相頻cording to the layout o線腦f buildings and electrical li道制nes, which must be exec男路utable and reasonable. When install要喝ing the seismic support, the workers s樂科hall strictly follow th報見e design drawings to ensure the c議票orrect position of the sei車放smic support, so as to det討得ermine the quality of 件城electrical wiring ins草站tallation works.

2、 Do a good job in li去子ne embedding

Seismic support plays an importan票下t role in the normal operation of elec技話trical equipment. Therefore, on the pre東外mise of reasonably designing 森件the installation position 子多of seismic support an暗放d hanger, strict requirem匠一ents should be made for the lay要員out and installation of power lines 可很to ensure the integrity間議 of each node combination of 校行seismic support device, reasonably 做下improve the installation of power line秒見s and do a good job in l房呢ine embedding.

3、 Technical training for w話做orkers

On the premise of in音愛stalling seismic support, it is very體厭 necessary to do a good job遠站 in the technical trainin音又g of installation per北分sonnel. Because the exc也子ellent quality of the pr男麗oject will directly 可雪affect the safe use and seism要資ic performance of electric power in 匠麗the future. Because the seismic sup商房port can avoid or reduce the damage of 機長earthquake to building electromec睡新hanical equipment an飛匠d reduce the harm of earthquake, the i窗個nstallation personnel will m藍玩aster the correct in跳地stallation technology, whic木民h will be conducive t子民o the protection of the seismic supp水也ort to the main body o們錢f the building, speed up the i慢河nstallation speed and spe月聽ed up the project progress.


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