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Characteristics and applic花好ation scope of aluminum alloy brid海慢ge

Author:Click:585 Time:2021-06-21

Aluminum alloy bridge h術姐as the characteristics of beautiful a謝討ppearance, simple structure那女, unique style, large load capacity an知空d light weight. After anodi山鐵zing on the surface of aluminum allo東南y cable tray, it is 作光not only anti-corrosion, but a通物lso anti electromagnetic interferen空木ce, especially anti shielding interfere好算nce, which can not be repla下妹ced by steel cable tray. Aluminum 短鄉alloy bridge has important practical 朋科value in modern industry, modern 費秒national defense and mod畫關ern high technology.

General term for aluminum b事器ased alloys. The main alloy elements a家舞re copper, silicon, magnesium玩拿, zinc and manganese, and the se照區condary alloy elements離服 are nickel, iron, titanium,好業 chromium, lithium, etc.

Aluminum alloy has low density but h月開igh strength. It is close to or在場 higher than high-quality st電市eel and has good plasti我跳city. It can be processed into 年這various profiles. It has要輛 excellent conductivity, thermal con舊厭ductivity and corrosion resistance文西. It is widely used in 要器industry, and its usage is志電 only second to that of stee關雨l.

Aluminum alloy is divided into two cat靜和egories: cast aluminum alloy, which市暗 is used in as cast state生醫; Deformed aluminum a問視lloy can withstand pressure p草這rocessing, and its mechani姐動cal properties are higher than those o明身f as cast. It can be p兒森rocessed into aluminum allo船秒y materials of variou兒那s shapes and specifications. It is 呢校mainly used for manufacturi妹去ng aviation equipment, daily n視小ecessities, building doors and windo身個ws, etc.

Aluminum alloy cable tr報讀ay has the characteristics of bea呢玩utiful appearance, simple structur現輛e, unique style, large load capacity老服 and light weight. After anodizing o費書n the surface of aluminum al請呢loy cable tray, it is n綠靜ot only anti-corrosion, b購煙ut also anti electrom器舊agnetic interference, especially ant她金i shielding interferen音藍ce, which can not be replaced 靜區by steel cable tray. Aluminum 土制alloy bridge has important practical銀通 value in modern industr街快y, modern national defense and 火空modern high technology.答購

Excellent high corrosion r鄉務esistance, suitable for power plants, c大鄉hemical, petrochemical and other 輛紙fields, especially for places wi弟錯th high corrosion environment. The ext機你ruded ladder edge and ru說行ng make the appearance of the bridge b從厭right and clean. The reasona視請ble processing technology a志用nd connection mode make the in明喝stallation of the br家商idge convenient. Among them, the larg分村e span disc straight throug亮河h can meet the bearing c兒花apacity of 6m. Aluminum alloy disc base些問 plate can adopt flat plate數兵 structure or convex s商生tamping structure as require舞爸d.

Some aluminum alloys can be heat trea懂費ted to obtain good mechanical p店員roperties, physical pr著討operties and corrosion resistanc笑門e.

Cast aluminum alloy can be divided in綠讀to aluminum silicon alloy, aluminum器話 copper alloy, alumin器朋um magnesium alloy, alu信愛minum zinc alloy and aluminum rare也人 earth alloy according生老 to chemical composition. Am森文ong them, aluminum silicon alloy also 長綠has simple aluminum silicon alloy (unab弟音le to be strengthened by heat tre件火atment, low mechanical properti這讀es and good casting proper月藍ties), and special aluminum si空做licon alloy (heat treatment ca刀謝n be strengthened, high mech火舊anical properties and good cast要唱ing properties).


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