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Brief introduction of low voltage non-s得機tandard distribution box

Author:Click:664 Time:2021-04-13

Low voltage distributi時器on box is mainly used for AC rate白笑d voltage of 660V and below, 吧裡and can be used as branch distributio行話n or load power control cabinet;

The internal switch adopts the molde雪得d case circuit breaker produc雨區ed by ABB, with small vol作計ume, high sectioning capacity話水, compact structure and good techni機員cal performance. The uti章話lity model has the advantages of simpl費見e installation, safe and光爸 reliable use.

Low voltage non-standard d外花istribution box is widely對作 used in industrial and mining ente和很rprises and civil buildings, hi歌愛gh-rise buildings, hospi的知tals, squares, entertainmen費年t and sports facilities, residential 黑市and other modern buildi明商ng power distribution devices.

Features: the box and support 學物plate are made of high-quality, high-他來strength and corrosion-resis到一tant cold-rolled electrolytic plate厭媽; Phase a, B and C Main busbars ar動能e set in the box to connect two poles 了章or three-stage MCCB of她問 branch circuit, and independent N a兒道nd PE busbars are installed 東購at the same time; Low voltage non-sta為北ndard distribution box光睡 the upper and lower sealing pl數短ates of this series of electric都去al boxes can be removed freely, which i上又s convenient to coope員刀rate with the wiring slot or hole du月可ring field installation; Cab房購le mode is preferred f師遠or all wiring.

Low voltage distribution box is m書書ainly used for AC rated volta拍兒ge of 660V and below, and can 舊雪be used as branch distribution or上現 load power control cab門就inet;

The internal switch adopts the mol姐謝ded case circuit breaker produced by A要國BB, with small volume, high sectio爸了ning capacity, compact structure an煙能d good technical performance小子. The utility model has the務章 advantages of simple installatio拿習n, safe and reliable use.

Low voltage non-standard distribution b音弟ox is widely used in industri從器al and mining enterprises and 看錯civil buildings, high工呢-rise buildings, hos農謝pitals, squares, entert樹到ainment and sports facilities, r視的esidential and other modern build間知ing power distribution d不靜evices.

Features: the box and support plate are又都 made of high-quality,銀事 high-strength and corrosion-resi照紙stant cold-rolled electrolytic pl短她ate; Phase a, B and C Main bu不東sbars are set in the 火草box to connect two pole輛線s or three-stage MCCB河工 of branch circuit, and independent N弟木 and PE busbars are insta拍放lled at the same time; Lo草哥w voltage non-standard distrib靜費ution box the upper and 靜市lower sealing plates of this seri公銀es of electrical boxes姐著 can be removed freely, wh低錯ich is convenient to cooperate with 快市the wiring slot or hole 高月during field installation; Cable mo村師de is preferred for a我我ll wiring.


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