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  Jiangsu Hongqiang Electric紙數 Group Co., Ltd. is located in亮窗 the engineering electrical isl冷唱and in the middle of 從們the Yangtze River, wate女習r flower city - Yangzhong C機船ity, specializing in th微通e development, design and manufactu請還re of low-voltage switchgear, 作的high and low-voltage bus and cable br議現idge. At present, the com雨車pany covers an area of 88000 squa我鐵re meters and a construction area快又 of 60800 square meters. The company對樂 has 385 employees, including 8器媽6 technicians.

  While strengthening tec聽睡hnology development, the compa她紙ny pays more attention to quality mana筆志gement, fully implements ISO9001 看離quality system certi路紙fication, and establishes a perfec女黑t quality assurance system. With so兒離lid basic management, the comp線城any makes all products obtain CCC月多 China Compulsory Certifica錢機tion, so that the major暗線ity of users can be reliably guarantee紅藍d when using the company's樂答 products. The company ha訊北s established long-term cooperat裡件ive relations with lar來路ge group companies such as PetroChi影醫na, Sinopec, China Railway Construct舊花ion Group, CSCEC, Beijing capital, Guod國章ian, Huadian, Huaneng, Data動下ng, China power investme裡嗎nt, Guangxi Liugong, caterp腦劇illar and UL, and has estab長兒lished long-term cooperative些電 relations in Shanghai World Expo, S綠件henzhen Metro, Shanghai Nanjing 但靜intercity high-speed rail離南way, China launch vehicle老司 R & D base In the construc術事tion of national key projects唱不 such as Haikou municipal gove也河rnment, it has won the affirmatio制樂n and high praise of users w土員ith high-quality pro喝慢duct quality, reasonable price and睡窗 thoughtful and timely af鐘員ter-sales service, so上東 as to win a good reputation用土 for the enterprise.

  The company adheres to the concept a報習nd policy of "people-oriented,業土 entrepreneurship and innovation, exc銀電ellence and efficiency, integrity and 紙議self-improvement, and 明站win-win cooperation&quo劇綠t;, and actively carries多場 out all-round cooperation with外上 users. With high-quality他為 service, high-quality produ輛又cts and preferential 鐘年prices, our company wholeheartedly welc有可omes your new and old cu呢場stomers to negotiate and review, an的熱d make unremitting efforts for China&如地#39;s power transmissi大了on and distribution industry.

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