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Installation method of grid t土人ray

Author:Click:667 Time:2021-03-25

As a new type of grid bridge in China,黃和 grid bridge is more都那 and more popular with customers. So 畫拿what are the methods of grid format br妹訊idge? Now listen to Xiao銀那bian slowly:

1. Hoisting: hoisting is to drag th訊我e bridge with a support, and then hang男內 the two ends of the support o金醫n the wall top with two sc會這rew rods respectively.

2. Cabinet installation藍用: the grid bridge is a good cho人線ice for the wiring of the machine ro秒雨om. Generally, the bridge is installed友家 on the cabinet, and th用空e required accessori雜草es are 2 foot stands and 1 support.筆中 This installation is convenient笑靜 and beautiful.

3. Wall installation: wall install呢煙ation generally uses 但拿an L-shaped bracket to hold the bri放市dge, and then fix the bra數熱cket on the wall.


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