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What do you know about the classific暗票ation of bus duct

Author:Click:675 Time:2020-09-09

According to the purpose,土有 the bus duct is generally composed of物熱 starting bus duct, straight錯坐 bus duct (including Jac遠文k and no jack), L-shaped ve土房rtical (horizontal) 姐跳bend bus, Z-shaped v懂睡ertical (horizontal) off雜我set bus, T-shaped vertical (horizon錢要tal) tee bus, X-shaped ver民了tical (horizontal) four-way bus, variab相得le capacity bus duct, exp請制ansion bus duct, terminal head, t為地erminal junction box, plug-in 喝女box The fastening installatio匠火n of relevant accessories and bus d北離uct consists of two parts.

According to the insulation mode, it c歌算an be divided into air 玩得plug-in bus duct, den校東se insulation plug-in b服微us duct and high-stre日去ngth plug-in bus duct.

Air type plug-in bus duct (BMC). Sinc生議e the joints between busbars are soft歌商 connected with copper shee人明ts, the joints are pro弟喝ne to oxidation in humid wea林不ther in the south, resulting 裡視in poor contact between the joi高計nt and the bus and e科身asy heating at the contact,短高 so they are rarely us雜文ed in the south. Moreover, the vo紙志lume between joints is too la分請rge, the cross-section size of horiz很小ontal bus is inconsistent, and 森但the appearance is not beautiful e訊子nough.

Dense insulated plug-in bus duct (C他校MC). Its moisture-proof an火河d heat dissipation effect is poor. I看門n terms of moisture-proof, the bus is海好 prone to moisture and water 場藍seepage during constructi水問on, resulting in the reductio兒黃n of interphase insulation resistance. 喝嗎The heat dissipation of passenge都要r cars mainly depends on the shell. Due森工 to the compact layout and 農時installation between照南 lines, the thermal energy of L2 and L和麗3 phases is slow, resulting in the ris校去e of bus duct temperature. Due to the 唱家limitation of the she舞問ll plate, the dense insulated plug-in b用裡us duct can only produce a h畫笑orizontal section of no more tha費麗n 3m. Due to the small air gap be很讀tween the bus and the bus, when都習 the bus passes through a large cu明體rrent, it will produce stro器得ng power, make the mag身樂netic oscillation frequency form 慢劇a superposition state and鐘高 produce excessive noise.

High strength enclosed bus duc快刀t (CFW). The manufac鐵鄉turing process is not limited by the p好行late. The shell is made of t問從ile groove, which increas自湖es the mechanical strength視校 of the bus. The horizo票身ntal section of the passenger car 分師can produce a length of up to 13 mete黑吧rs. As the shell is made of tile g信麗roove, the position of the工關 groove is to separate and fix the 鄉舞bus. There is a spacing of 18 mm 費吃between busbars. Good ventilat理綠ion between lines can si做就gnificantly improve the議裡 moisture-proof and heat dissipation fu小土nctions of bus duct, 短事which is more suitable for th費服e climate in the south. Due to謝林 a certain gap between t小理he lines, the temperature rise o又能f the conductor will be拍風 reduced, so as to improve th靜嗎e overload capacity and r匠弟educe the magnetic oscillation noise那風. But its stray current and induct件快ive reactance are much large購北r than that of dense bus 我車duct. Therefore, when compar說森ed with the same specificati訊開on, the cross section of th司生e conductive rod must be greater than t快但hat of the densely insu中家lated plug-in bus duct.

Plug in bus duct is a trunk s亮河ystem. It has the advantages of smal新南l volume, compact structure, rel司暗iable operation, large transmission門唱 current, convenient tap feeding, co請藍nvenient maintenance, low 動美energy consumption and good dynami醫日c and thermal stabil呢錯ity. It is widely used in high-rise b書拿uildings.


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