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The bridge system must have electrical市議 continuity grounding

Author:Click:910 Time:2020-09-09

The cable tray is made靜那 of mild steel and hot-dip galva吧間nized after punching.

The punching shall be oval and ar去謝ranged in lattice shape, an河亮d the punching area of each sectio是銀n shall not be less than司間 7%; The center distance雨冷 between punching holes shall not be 生在greater than 100mm.

Punching is not required fo機但r power supply cable tray applicabl低什e to fire fighting e畫紅quipment. The whole cable tray syste湖視m must have electrical continuity g海師rounding. The supplier must pr又嗎ovide sufficient coppe工快r braided tape for grounding.麗務 And there shall be at least one relia生但ble grounding connection point a能路t each joint (including non-linear)銀綠 along the whole leng通公th of the cable tray. The standard 金他length of straight s會動ection of cable tray is 2m. However, in媽如 case of special requirements, the le路從ngth of straight section shall be pr麗呢ovided according to the re舞體quirements of mobilization答銀 material plan according to the a電明ctual needs.

If the cable tray size is ab舞行ove 200, it must be 藍風equipped with internal and externa內老l connecting pieces, and if it is b女物elow 200, it shall be 月海equipped according to the act資對ual situation.

When the height of cable tray is 150白個mm, the connecting holes at each end s章頻hall be double rows, with no less tha我河n 12; When the height is 10姐有0mm, there are 6 connecting holes a風美t each end. Various cable可放 trays, elbows and tees shall 分章be equipped with connecting pieces, 朋我and square neck bolts, nuts and gask資又ets shall be complete.線理 Each section of cable tray 雨多shall be clearly and completely mark機那ed. Indicate the specification, 數有model, manufacturer and producti化輛on date. The product quality shall be g有車uaranteed, and the splicing metho間請d is prohibited for single sect風業ion and single piece main body.


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