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Do you know the specific function of se他兵ismic finished support?

Author:Click:616 Time:2021-10-14

What is the specific function of se近要ismic finished support?

Function 1: effectively bear th車站e relevant self weight of藍影 the pipeline. In many ca件那ses, the self weight of 開頻the pipeline is ignored文光 by many equipment installers, an亮黃d these problems wil計個l threaten the safety of房西 the pipeline; When the 藍志finished supports and hangers are 間謝used, the equipment can well bear 錯些the self weight of t輛西he pipeline, and the sel市冷f weight stress of the pipeline c這哥an always be within the rel嗎水evant allowable range, so as to ensur分他e the safe use of the equipment.

Function 2: it can effec多長tively increase the relevant sti年間ffness of the pipeline. Al影都though the pipeline w做在ill have a large stiffness for爸算ce in a short distance, if the畫我 pipeline span is rela黃慢tively large, this stiffness 相銀will become smaller and sma劇爸ller. If the stiffness cannot be eff鐵刀ectively improved during c歌黑onstruction, it will票視 certainly affect the normal use 司紅and safety of the pipeline.現用 Therefore, this problem ca通冷n be solved after using the fin民風ished support and han制看ger equipment, So that the stiff火空ness of the pipeline ca國劇n be well improved.

Function 3: it can effec對技tively control the direction a多場nd size of thermal displacement of線書 pipe system. The thermal disp路草lacement of piping system is a certa山門in and unavoidable situation for t南區he construction pipeli從媽ne. In order to ensure the safe oper影些ation of the pipeline and connecte我通d equipment, it is necessary to in員音stall seismic support manufacturers t計紅o deal with this situation.


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